the results of our deeds i.e. It was written in our fate. But thats
not the fact.
Actually the situations and conditions are created by Allah. Men have
no control over them but our action, response or behavior to that
situation completely depends on us e.g. Your car hits someone
unintentionally. That might be fate but i you don't visit and bother
to show some affection to that person, it wasn't written in fate.
The destiny has two parts:
1. Absolute Destiny.
2. Isolated Destiny.
Absolute destiny has no link with human deeds. A person cannot change
it. Its already written e.g. The day of Judgement. We all know it has
to come. And we cannot overcome or resist that. Secondly, the prophet
(P.B.U.H) is the last prophet. We cant change that as well. These
things were decided by Allah.
The isolated destiny on the other hand is totally dependant on our own
selves e.g. Paying Zakat. Its our duty. If we'll keep giving zakat,
we'll remain away from many problems and bad intensions. Allah has
given us the directions to chose our ways while making decisions. So
it fully depends on what we do.
If a man goes to live somewhere with unhealthy or dangerous conditions
considering that death is written. Thats wrong. Death depends on
isolated destiny. Although it is written that we've to die. So thats
totally a wrong perception. Its the reason we migrate from one area to
the other. We protect ourselves.
Another example is that if we consider that whatever we've to eat or
drink is written and we'll get that in any condition. No matter what
we do. Thats wrong. If someone is thirsty but he/she doesn't go to
drink water that if its written, i'll get that here thats wrong
So its our responsibility to keep our care both physically and
mentally. Work hard for better lifestyle.
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