Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Allah knows who left the marks. . .

Whenever i go to my bed at night to sleep, i'm always filled with million of thoughts. My thoughts aren't creative or some special type. I just miss some people whom i've lost. Or i miss somethings that happened in my past. The things that've affected my life. My faith, my trust is shaken. When someone's recently hurt, he's more sensitive towards everything. And when one hurts you again and again, the wounds never heal.
For a full person like me, its very difficult to forget two extremes. The one who hurts you so much and the one who helps so much. Because these two things leave a mark. A dark mark everywhere. On your life, heart, mind, feelings etc etc. These days i'm hurt too. Actually i am marked. I've got a wound that (at this time i think) would never heal. I'm hurt again and again by the same person on the same issue so it has become an old wound now. That never heals and keeps giving you pain time by time.
My friend told me that i've left a mark. But i believe it firmly that its only Allah subhan-o-Taala who's aware of every reality. Specially for the invisible things i.e. Who is having the mark and who has left the mark. Who's suffering and who's enjoying. . .
Heart isn't a room to accomodate people in it time by time. When it gets hurt it knows never to trust someone again. Trust and blind faith take you to end of sorrows

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