Saturday, October 17, 2009

Holy book of Allah

The Holy book of Allah, the Quran, is not the work of a man, nor is it
the collected thoughts or opinions of wise men through the ages. It is
the "word" of the Almighty God (Allah), The Creator, and the Lord of
the universe. It is the perfect revelation to mankind. Though called
and treated as a book, the Quran is not a book in the ordinary sense
of the word. It is neither a treatise nor a dissertation on a
particular theme; nor it is a book on religion.

Experts of the Arabic language continue to marvel at the beautiful
prose in which Quran is worded. But it is not merely a literary
masterpiece. The Quran contains scientific facts and explanations that
fascinate scientific of all fields. Yet it is not an encyclopedia of
science. The Quran mentions stories of people and places in the past
with vivid detail. And yet it is not also merely a book of history.
The subject matter of Quran is "man" (human beings) and it discusses
those aspects of his life which lead to his REAL success or failure.
The central theme that runs through the Quran is the exposition of
"Reality" with the aim of inviting human beings to the "Right Path".

Its purpose is not simply to inform or to convince but to mould and
transform. As such, it tries simultaneously to inform, to persuade, to
convince, to motive and to mobilize men and woman to fulfill their
mission in life.

By: Naeemullah

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